Scapa product and technical experts share their
market and product knowledge across a wide range of media outlets.
These articles were developed in partnership
with our valued media partners to better educate their audiences on the
benefits of adhesive tape usage in the markets Scapa services.
Get Stuck In - FlexoTech Magazine, February 2020
Scapa Specialty Segment Product Manager Laurent Marre outlines four main factors to consider when selecting the ideal flexographic tape for plate mounting and printing.
Taping Success: Stick With the Basics - R&R Magazine, January 2019
Scapa Construction Segment Product Manager Sarah Quilliam outlines the historical use of tapes, provides a basic tutorial on tape terminology/types and makes helpful recommendations on what tapes should be considered for use in the Abatement, Restoration and Remediation market.
Tape for Wire Harnesses - Assembly Magazine, January 2019
Scapa Automotive Segment Product Manager Christine Toussaint comments on the cost-effectiveness of tape usage for wire harness protection and bundling.