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Scapa Automotive wiring harness products meet the international OEM specifications to guarantee the highest quality and performance. With Scapa, you can benefit from world-class tape solutions and exceptional customer service that drives confidence.
Applications Include:
Abrasion Resistance
Protection of wires against harsh environmental conditions.
General Wrapping
Containment and protection of wire harness assemblies.
Headliner Attachment
Securing wire harness assemblies on automotive ceilings.
Heat Reflectance
Thermal protection of wire harness assemblies.
Insulation and Sealing
Insulation of wiring harness assemblies in electrical and hybrid vehicles.
Maintain wire harness branches together during storage and transport.
Prevention of water ingress into wiring connectors.
Sound Attenuation
Sound dampening for wire harnesses in contact with vehicle bodies and frames.
Splicing Protection
Ensures electrical insulation between two wire harness connections.